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What is Cosmic Kindness?

Cosmic Kindness is the phenomenon of living in a world where kindness is so prevalent, that guilt and negativity cease to exist. The idea of Cosmic Kindness was built on the pillars of Kindness, Art, and Education, guided by Equity and Empowerment. 

Principles of Cosmic Kindness

  • The ability to be kind is in all of us.

    We are all kind and curious by nature. Because of the forces of the world around us, those traits can feel as though they are hidden over time. As we are looking at our actions, and the actions of others, it's important to remember that we can all be kind.

  • We recognize that negativity and guilt do exist.

    Cosmic Kindness shouldn't be confused with Toxic Positivity. On the contrary, when we face experiences that may cause us to feel guilt or negativity, acknowledging their existence and calling them out of the shadows is the point of Cosmic Kindness. When we face those issues head on, we can spend more time focusing on the good in the world and less time worrying about the "what ifs" that negativity can cause.

  • We take the time to put ourselves in someone else's shoes.

    We may not always know what causes someone to act in a negative manner, but we can be empathetic towards it. Someone may be having a bad day, and your kindness can be the ripple effect to turn it around. Your empathy towards someones actions when addressing them can also make a difference in how both sides react.

  • We recognize that growth is uncomfortable and that there is comfort in discomfort.

    Learning is fundamental to our growth and existence. That can often times put us in an unfamiliar situation, which may feel uncomfortable. That discomfort is okay, as long as we acknowledge it and are safe. 

  • We give our time to others, but not without giving time to ourselves.

    The most valuable resource we have to give is time. Before we can give that to others, we must first make sure our own needs are met. When we are at our full potential, we are in our best place to show others their full potential.

  • We celebrate the unique beauty we all possess.

    We are all truly unique and beautiful people, and can learn so much from one another. We must celebrate those differences, as they are what bring us all together.